Tag: Ukrainian pronunciation

Difference between Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ

The most important thing to know about Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ is that they are 2 different letters, they don’t interchange, they are used in different words and their pronunciation is different. Read this article to learn in detail about Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ. Between Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ, the most commonly used one is letter Г. There are much wore words that contain letter Г in the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian letter Г Here are some Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ Г ‘ Ukrainian words that start with letter Г газ haz noun gas гала́ктика… Read More

Ukrainian Alphabet

There are 33 letters in the Ukrainian alphabet: – 22 consonants: б, в, г, ґ, д, ж, з, й, к, л, м, н, п, р, с, т, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ. The consonant letter й is sometimes called a semivowel, its sound is close to [i]. – 10 vowels: а, е, є, и, і, ї, о, у, ю, я. One letter of the Ukrainian alphabet does not designate any sound on its own. This is a “soft sign” (ь), which softens the previous consonant. The apostrophe (‘) does the opposite, it shows that the preceding consonant should be… Read More