Category: Ukrainian Language

Difference between Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ

The most important thing to know about Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ is that they are 2 different letters, they don’t interchange, they are used in different words and their pronunciation is different. Read this article to learn in detail about Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ. Between Ukrainian letters Г and Ґ, the most commonly used one is letter Г. There are much wore words that contain letter Г in the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian letter Г Here are some Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ Г ‘ Ukrainian words that start with letter Г газ haz noun gas гала́ктика… Read More

Most Common Ukrainian words

Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ А ‘ Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ Б ‘ Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ В ‘ Ukrainian words that start with letter ‘ Г ‘ га́вкати verb to bark гальмо́ noun brake гарбу́з noun pumpkin га́рний adjective good гаря́чий adjective hot глухий adjective deaf говори́ти verb to speak го́ді interjection enough, that’s it го́лка noun needle голова́ noun head го́лос noun voice гора́ noun mountain го́стрий adjective sharp готе́ль noun hotel гра́ noun play гро́ші noun (pl) money гуля́ти verb to walk, to wander гусь                            noun goose

Ukrainian Alphabet

There are 33 letters in the Ukrainian alphabet: – 22 consonants: б, в, г, ґ, д, ж, з, й, к, л, м, н, п, р, с, т, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ. The consonant letter й is sometimes called a semivowel, its sound is close to [i]. – 10 vowels: а, е, є, и, і, ї, о, у, ю, я. One letter of the Ukrainian alphabet does not designate any sound on its own. This is a “soft sign” (ь), which softens the previous consonant. The apostrophe (‘) does the opposite, it shows that the preceding consonant should be… Read More

Ukrainian Language – Its History & Features

Ukrainian Language – History Ukrainian language (українська мова) is an East Slavic language of the Indo-European language family. Ukrainian is close to many other Eastern-European languages (such as Polish, Slovak, Czech, Croatian, Bulgarian etc), therefore if you are already a speaker of those languages you will master Ukrainian much faster. Likewise, Ukrainian will open doors to other Slavic languages for you. Ukrainian has 84% lexical similarity with Belarusian, 70% with Polish, 66% with Slovak, and 62% with Russian. The first written records of the Ukrainian language The first written records of the Ukrainian language date back to 448 AD. At… Read More