easter in ukraine

Easter in Ukraine

Learn Ukrainian traditions related to Easter in Ukraine, or Orthodox Easter celebrations.

Preparation for Easter in Ukraine

ukrainian orthodox easter

Preparation for Easter begins 1 week before, this week is called Passion Week.

Thursday of this week is called “clean” (чистий), it was traditionally devoted to cleaning the house, decorating icons with festive towels, and bathing before sunrise in running water, which supposedly washes away all sins and diseases from a person.

On Thursday, women began preparing the main attributes for Easter: ritual bread, pysanky, or painted eggs, and an Easter basket with dishes for consecration in the church.

Then followed Good Friday – on Friday, believers observe a strict fast.

Saturday is considered a day of rest, a transition from the Passion of Christ to the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

It is on Saturday evening that the night Easter service begins, where Easter baskets are taken for consecration.

Ukrainian traditional Easter bread

According to belief, one should bake traditional Ukrainian Easter Bread – Paska on Thursday, because doing it on Friday is considered a great sin. They say that if you bake Paska on Friday, it will not succeed, and this will negatively affect the future of the whole family: during the year there will be troubles in the family.

ukrainian paska
Ukrainian Paska – Easter bread

Paska bread preparation for Easter in Ukraine

Traditionally, paska bread is made from the best flour, raisins, vanilla and cinnamon, eggs add up to the dough some yellow color. According to tradition, it was forbidden to walk past the oven, open the oven door, or talk during paska dough preparation and baking because the slightest draft could prevent the dough from rising well.

Traditionally, a woman would stay in the house alone and cross the dough before putting it into the oven. It is a good sign if Paska comes up high and bakes well. It symbolizes happiness and well-being for the whole family. When the paska is baked, they begin to decorate it. It is customary to make from five to ten Paskas, to treat all relatives and friends later, congratulating them on Easter.

Ukrainian Easter colored eggs (pysanky)

Another special Ukrainian tradition was coloring eggs. Since ancient times, colored eggs have been considered a symbol of the rebirth of life, nature, and the sun. Previously, they were painted with the help of natural materials: the bark and fruits of trees, herbs, and flowers.

Types of traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs

Each type of egg decoration had its own name.

For example, Easter eggs dyed in onion shells are called krashanky (“painted ones”)

Those painted with a needle are called dryapanky (“scratched ones”).

Eggs decorated with ancient signs using wax and dyes are called pysanky (“decorated ones”).

To paint the latter, a special device was used – pysachok. Pysanka-making techniques usually differed depending on the region of Ukraine.

easter in ukraine pysanky eggs

Easter in Ukraine: Traditional Easter basket

An Easter basket was prepared to be taken to the church. Usually, its content depends on the region of Ukraine and has its own characteristics. Only the Paska remains an invariable attribute. Sausage, lard, bread, butter, and cheese are placed in the basket, as well as some items such as crosses, medallions, icons, and various charms. The basket is covered with an embroidered towel – rushnyk. Ukrainians believe that everything consecrated on Easter is endowed with sacred power. For example, a towel used to cover a basket can dispel clouds and heal babies.

Ukrainian rushnyk

Easter Sunday in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated with the whole family at a large table with Easter dishes. Family members usually share Easter bread and eggs.

This custom is believed to bestow “good fate” – happiness – on every family member. On this day, you can’t quarrel and swear, all insults should be forgiven and forgotten. You should also not work and do household chores.

On the first Monday after Easter, boys pour water over girls so that they are healthy and happy throughout the year. Children go to congratulate relatives, godparents, neighbors, and good friends on the holiday. As a sign of gratitude, relatives give children treats and gifts.

Easter celebrations in Ukraine end with a visit to the graves of relatives. It is believed that on Easter, God opens heaven and hell so that the souls of deceased ancestors visit their relatives, and they are on earth next to the living during the entire Easter week.

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